Fruit harvested from a perennial vine, it offers a hot spicy scent. The essential oil of black pepper is above all a digestive tonic. It stimulates the liver, stomach and pancreas. It is indicated in cases of intestinal colic or constipation. Dyspepsia or nausea. Anti-inflammatory, odontalgic analgesic and dental analgesic. Digestive, aperitif, febrifuge, expectorant. General tonic or even aphrodisiac. It can be used in inhalation for smoking cessation, as it induces a decrease in the desire to smoke. But it is also anti-infectious ENT, febrifuge. Expectorant, in case of colds (bronchitis, angina, catarrh, flu, laryngitis and cough…). At the psychic level, the essential oil of black pepper promotes concentration.